Floor care by Vardagsfrid

Floor care services are available to our existing clients as part of our comprehensive facility maintenance package, aimed at enhancing the longevity of flooring surfaces. A properly treated floor ensures a swift and efficient routine cleaning process.

Our floor care solutions are applied to standard materials, with the extent of the service tailored based on an initial assessment, ranging from deep cleaning to polishing. We provide quotes on a per-square-meter basis, delivering services tailored to each room's specific needs. You can opt for a one-time service or schedule periodic maintenance to keep your floors in pristine condition.


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Floor care for businesses

When a business places utmost importance on its office cleaning, stepping into their premises becomes a delightful experience. This attention to detail often reflects in the company’s ambiance and overall atmosphere. Companies boasting dust-free desks, sparkling windows, clean restrooms, and inviting meeting rooms not only leave a positive impression on clients but also significantly enhance employee satisfaction.

For businesses that prioritize these aspects, the importance of maintaining pristine floors is well understood. Chances are, you’ve already ensured regular cleaning for your floors, but for an added shine, consider enlisting Everyday Bliss for thorough and professional floor care. We specialize in treating standard flooring materials, ensuring that having a well-maintained floor facilitates quick and efficient ongoing maintenance of your premises.


Prices for floor cleaning by Vardagsfrid

Our service is priced by the square meter and tailored to each room's specific needs. By incorporating regular floor cleaning into your routine, you extend the lifespan of your flooring surfaces. Opt for our service as a one-off or subscribe for periodic maintenance to keep your floors in pristine condition.


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How do I become customer?


1. Contact us

The first step towards a clean office begins when you reach out to us with your needs.

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2. Needs analysis

We schedule a meeting to conduct a needs analysis, allowing us the chance to meet you in person. This interaction provides the perfect opportunity to discuss your unique requirements and preferences, as well as to inspect the premises needing cleaning. Through this, we can grasp your expectations and craft a customized cleaning solution tailored just for you.

3. Quote & agreement

Following the needs analysis meeting, we will prepare a detailed quote that clearly outlines the services we provide and the associated costs.


4. Clean office

Once the agreement is signed and everything is set, we'll schedule a time for the cleaning. Open communication and feedback are cornerstones of our service philosophy. Attentive to your needs, we're ready to make adjustments as required to ensure you receive the highest quality of facility care service.

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How is it working at Vardagsfrid?

"After spending some time as a cleaning specialist, I had the opportunity to become a Mentor and train new colleagues. It's incredibly rewarding to watch people grow into their roles and earn the appreciation of clients. When the time came for me to complete my final SFI courses and the basic SAS program, Vardagsfrid was there to assist with my scheduling. Now, as I pursue full-time studies, I find myself missing my clients dearly."

Mentor, Vardagsfrid

Read more about us

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Customer satisfaction




Number of first jobs in Sweden

3 000 000

Square meters cleaned each year


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