Contact us

Sturegatan 33A, 172 31 Sundbyberg

Läs mer om oss

Contact us

Sturegatan 33A, 172 31 Sundbyberg

010 - 516 43 00

Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday: 08 - 17
Friday: 08 - 16

Billing adress:
Vardagsfrid AB
c/o Bankgirocentralen BGC AB
FE 301, BGC-id FRX9451
105 69 Stockholm

Bookings, scheduling, work management: 010-516 43 00

Organization number: 556882-6175

Bankgiro: 848-6714

Skärmavbild 2023-04-13 kl. 16.07.07

Benefits of being a customer of Vardagsfrid


Collective agreement

At Vardagsfrid, all staff are covered by collective agreements, offering peace of mind for our clients and staff. These agreements guarantee equitable working conditions and competitive wages.


Reliable service

With our extensive experience in the industry and a track record of prestigious awards, we place a strong emphasis on providing reliable service to our customers, giving you the freedom to focus on everything else.

Environmentally friendly cleaning

We only use The Nordic Swan Ecolabel products for our cleaning missions. These have a minimal impact on the environment and are significantly better for our employees and customers' health as they are completely chemical-free.

Hour Bank

Need to cancel a cleaning session? No problem! Vardagsfrid offers a convenient time bank where you can save your canceled hours for another occasion within the same year. Why not book a deep clean before Christmas with your saved hours?

How is it working at Vardagsfrid?

"After spending some time as a cleaning specialist, I had the wonderful opportunity to become a mentor and train new colleagues. It's incredibly rewarding to watch people grow into their roles and receive appreciation from clients. When it came time for me to complete my final SFI courses and the basic SAS, Vardagsfrid was supportive in adjusting my schedule. Now, I'm studying full-time, yet I find myself missing my clients."

Mentor, Vardagsfrid

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Customer satisfaction




Number of first jobs in Sweden

3 000 000

Square meters cleaned each year


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